Saturday, January 3, 2009

This is the post that never ends... just goes on and on my friends. He, he lets see how long that gets stuck in your heads.

Anyway peoples, it's been a long, long time between posts so here's a massive one for you to let you know what the Brodrick Bunch has been up to.

So my last post was all the way back in November when Liam caught Chicken Pox of Jack and I was thinking that he might have it mildly because he was immunised. WRONG! For some reason unbeknown to me, Liam was never immunised. I thought he was, but no. So the poor little man was sick, really sick in fact. Although he's smiling the the photo, this was probably the first smile I got in a week. Poor thing pretty much lay on the couch for a week straight.

And moving on to the first week of December we have a big case of Deja vu when Imogen decided she wanted in on the action.

So as you can imagine, this house was a barrell of laughs for a few weeks. As for the rest of the first week, I had a ball with my Aunty and her partner over from New Zealand. It was fantastic catching up with her, I'm kicking myself for not getting any photos. It was the first time my family had met her partner Dave and I have to say they seem so happy together and he is just lovely. I hope the feeling is mutual as our family can be pretty hot to handle at the best of times.

The second week of December turned out to be quite emotive for me. Starting off with Liam having a fitting for his school uniform. I can't believe that my little man is going to be a preppie. I managed to keep my composure and not cry infront of the shop lady, but damn I was close. I always look at him and think how big he is now, but in the uniform he looks tiny. I know come first day of school that I'm be a complete blubbering mess.

Liam had his Kinder excursion this week. Every child had to have a chaperone with them, so I left if to Liam to choose whether he wanted Mum or Dad to come - of course Dad was the chosen one.

Still in week two of December we had a Christmas Party at an indoor playground with a group of my online friends. There was a brilliant time to be had all round.

That same day, Liam had his prep orientation. I thought he'd be a little shy and clingy since there was no kids he knew there, but we were lucky enough to find that one of the Prep teachers (Mel) had done some training at his Kinder so her knew her. He was pretty excited to see her. The kids and parents were seperated for about 45 minutes. I had nothing to worry about since Liam just said "Ok Mum, see ya!" and ran off to play. He seemed to really enjoy himself. I'm not too sure how well he mixed with the other kids though as he seemed to cling to Mel.

Then that same night we were meant to go to Bess's house to celebrate her birthday. Both me and the kids though were way too buggered, so a big sorry to Aunty Bess.

After all that we still had a party to attend on the Sunday. One of my cousins turned 18 and her sister turned 14. My Aunty's house was packed with just as many little people as there was adults. Between my brother, my sister and myself we have 8 kids - 4 of them being under 9 months. So it was babies galore. Was a great day but I was absolutely exhausted by the time I got home.

It was the most full on week I'd had for a while. Made even crazier by the fact that Brian was pretty much working 7 days a week.

Week three of December started off very quietly but went of with a bang. Liam had his last official day of kinder. It was so sad seeing all the kids say goodbye with none of them realising that it really was goodbye. We don't live near Liam's kinder and as far as I know, only one child from his kinder is going to his school. I think I was more upset about the whole thing than him. Here's some pics of his last day.

The friday night was the Christmas Party for daycare. The kids all had a ball when Santa turned up. Liam asked Santa for a Night Guardian, which was great since Santa was bringing him one. Jack asked Santa for a Speed Racer game. Hmmm, Santa was not bringing a Speed Racer game. Santa didn't even know what a damn Speed Racer game was. Looks like Santa would be joining the returns queue in Target to return the other Night Guardian and stalking the shelves for some kind of Speed Racer game.

On the Sunday I decided to brave the movies with the kids for only the second time ever. Myself and a friend got tickets to see the Wiggles. What the deal was that the Wiggles were playing live in Sydney, but it's broadcast live to different cinemas. It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. There wasn't too many people there, maybe 15 adults and about 20ish kids. Most of the kids ended up down the front and running up and down the stairs. My kids thought that doing laps up one side, across the back, down the other side and across the front was more fun than watching the Wiggles - much to my embarassment. Oh well, mine were not the only kids doing it.

Heading into week four was actually quiet. Christmas Eve we had a friend and his kids over for dinner, I had a little too much to drink and ended up still wrapping presents at almost 2am. Ooops. Finally the end result looked like this:

Then on to the complete madness of Christmas day.

All the family had a great time and my lounge room was an absolute sea of presents - it was crazy.
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And last but not least - the food. Mmm,mmm,mmmmmm the salads table was delish. I'm just kicking myself that I didn't get a photo of all the meat we had. It was a carnivor's delight.

So now that we've caught up to the end of 2008 - I will return soon with all the trials and tribulations (and some good stuff too) that 2009 has so far bestowed.

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